13 August 2005

my morphine

You're adrift in conscience slumber;
I'm all eaten by doubts.
You're soaring through the clouds;
I'm almost ten feet under.

Come down as soft spring rain,
On my wounds be novocaine.
Disinfect and wash me clean,
For my soul be my morphine.

To me your fickleness is strange
While my torment feels like home.
Mine is stillness - monolith of stone;
Like a butterfly you always change.

Annihilate all sense of pain,
On my wounds be novocaine.
Erase the nothingness I've seen,
For my soul be my morphine.

My heart is ashes, my mind lump.
There's needles in my every cell
Burning me like fires of hell
And all I wish is to turn numb.

If you don't mean it, feign
On wounds to be novocaine.
If you aren't, make it seem
For my soul to be morphine.

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